Are you really serious about Internet Marketing?

Where do you fit in amongst Internet Marketers?
First the bad news – but there is good news to come so keep reading!
You know, if you take 1,000 people who are into Internet Marketing and say that they seriously want to produce a full-time living online (reach six and seven figures online)…
only 1 in 7 of them start out as serious and the rest of them are JUST PRETENDERS.
This means that only about 140 out of 1,000 even give themselves a chance!
Of that 140 only 1 in 7 actually stick with it and commit to their success which means that out of 1,000 only an average of 20 actually succeed and reach their goals.
Just 2% make it to the top with maybe another 5% or 8% managing to make a living
90% have no chance of succeeding online if they continue to be “pretenders”.
90% have ZERO chance of earning six-figures as long as they continue to “dabble” in this and continue to treat it like some side hobby thing.
90% have no chance on Earth of ever producing six-figures-online as long as they continue to NOT treat this like a real business.
90% will never take action and implement a thing. For years.
90% will never pick a niche and commit to it.
90% will never build a niche list of subscribers.
HECK, 90% will never even get a functional squeeze page up and online, much less build a list.
90% will never take step one, yet they think “traffic” is their problem.
90% will not create content or create their own products. ever.
90% will not learn copywriting or conversions or split test (what’s that?)
90% will not write, speak, drive traffic, advertise or build key relationships.
90% will not get technical stuff taken care of (it’s the Internet, it’s a requirement this gets done)
90% will blame everyone else on planet Earth for this not working for them, except themselves.
90% have no chance and it’s just a pipe-dream at best they ever make six figures.
There is the 14% who do take INITIAL action, who are serious, who will treat this like a real business and who will do whatever it takes to succeed (morally of course) but they need help. Without help 1 in 7 will falter or even give up leaving the 2%
This 14% is who I LOVE!!
I help them get results dammit!
Anyone who is in the 90% above category currently CAN change into the 10% with help and even progress to the 2%.
Key Words: WITH HELP!
Understand that there is no system existing that will make you rich and no mentor who can make you rich.
The only person that can make you rich is yourself!
A good system will help if you use it and a good mentor will help if you apply what they teach, but ultimately your success or failure is in your own hands.
If you follow my teachings and do what I say you will succeed!
If you err or look back you will be counted amongst the 98% who fail.
I can not promise you will have an easy time. In fact sometimes you will find it hard going; what I can promise is that it will be worth it and you will never be asked to do anything that is complex or beyond your immediate capabilities.
The main ingredients are a willingness to learn, follow instructions to the letter even when you don’t understand why and a belief in yourself.
Having said that the more capital you have the easier it becomes.
So think about how much you can raise to get started and how much monthly you can invest in yourself? – honestly!
Initial questions you will need to answer for me, so that I can offer the best advice, are:
How much do you want to make in your first 90 days?
How much do you want to make in residual income after 90 days?
How much time will you commit to your business?
How much money do you have to get started?
How much a month do you have to put into your business?
Once I have the answers I will be able to advise you.
I need serious answers in full not just wishes and hopes!
The difference between a successful man and a non successful man is 90% mental attitude that is largely where you will need to concentrate your time.
If you are determined to be amongst the 2% then send your answers to the above questions to me.
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