Do you want to work in your business, on your business or have your business work for you?

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I just wish people would understand that an Online Business is just that! A business that operates mainly on the Internet.
It is not some miracle that is going to automatically fill your bank account with millions of dollars – it is a business and it needs to be treated as a business if you hope to make a profit rather than have an expensive hobby!
You will probably have seen articles and training about setting goals but first you must set your budget. You need tools to help you with your business because without them you will make a hard job much harder. AND TOOLS COST MONEY!
Would you consider planting a weed overgrown acre of land with
seeds using only your bare hands? Or would you go out and get a spade, shovel, rake, hoe, plough, tractor – whatever you could get your hands on to make the job as easy as possible.
Even with a tractor and attachments to plough the ground, plant the seeds, spray the crops and eventually harvest them it would still take planning and effort.
So why do people come online and expect to make $5,000 a month with no capital, no tools, no training?
There are 3 phases in building an online business…
You set up and WORK hard IN your business. This is essential to get the business moving and IF YOU ARE LUCKY, hardworking and understand what you are doing; you will start to break even or make a small profit in 60 to 90 days
Once your business is making a small profit then you need to step back and look at it and start to work ON your business. Making it more efficient, analysing and testing results always striving to increase profitability.
Finally if you have laid strong foundations in steps 1 and 2 then you can automate your business and outsource tasks so that your business is working for you and providing the much talked about but seldom achieved “Laptop Lifestyle”.
If you want to stand on the roof and admire the view then you must be prepared to climb the ladder. It is no more realistic to expect to start at step 3 above than it is for you to float unaided to the roof.
The bottom line is you need cash to get started and you should first budget that cash for tools…
Website ( Domain registration, hosting, plugins)
Tracking and testing software (split testing, campaign tracking)
AND Traffic
The above items are just the start and if you can’t afford them there is little purpose in joining some hyped up opportunity in the hope of striking it rich.
It may not be impossible to make money online without tools, training and investment, but it will be like planting that stony weed ridden acre of land with your bare hands.
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Sorry I don’t speak French!