The Importance of Focus In Your Online Business

[svpVideo v=1]So often when people come to me for help with their business they start out by telling me things like this…
I don’t have money
I don’t have a website
I don’t have experience
I can’t recruit
I can’t sell
I don’t……..
I can’t……….
What they are doing is focussing on what they don’t have and not what they do have and what they want.
Sharron Scott puts this over very well in her post on Free Things For Teachers……
“If you constantly focus on what you don’t have,
you will never fully appreciate what you do have.
–It’s true, if you constantly focus on what you don’t have, you’ll never see what you do have. Think about it:
If someone gave you 3/4 of a wonderfully delicious chocolate cake, and all you could focus on was the fact that you were missing a slice, you would never get to enjoy the rest of the cake.”
The fact is that we get what we focus on and if we are focusing on what we lack we will simply keep lacking!
What we MUST do is focus on what we have and where we are going and use the resources we have NOW! In time we will start to see improvements and our resources will grow making it easier to achieve our goals.
Now if you are someone who has been saying I don’t have and I can’t here is a free joint venture program for an amazing new product that will be launching soon.
All you need to do is register here now to promote as soon as it launches. You will be given free sales copy and links along with a high converting sales page and all you will need to do is use what you have to share your link with others and make some great cash from an amazingly valuable new product.
In fact you can make money by just sharing the ability to join this joint venture!
So go here now, get all the facts about this free $5,000 invitation, get your link and remember to focus on and USE what you have and can do!
Need help? Get on my free 30 minute mentor webinars (link below)

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I have a program that will never cost you more than $7 a month out of your pocket and will auto promote any business you choose whilst making you a large income.
Just 3 x $7 a month sales can make you over $30,000 a Month!
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In our successful team, working with our community of people and being surrounded by people who are excited to see YOU succeed, ANYONE, who decides to make it happen, can succeed with us. Just follow these simple 3 steps:
- Get on YOUR Fast Track to success by registering for our free training by clicking here. The training is Free – so no need to ever pay anything!
- Watch the first video here and then add me as a friend on Facebook
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Dear-to-whom-it-may-concern, -i-really-trully-would-like-all-the-help-i-can-get-i-was-at-my-heart-doctor’s-office-and-he-said-that-i-only-have-a-few-months-to-live-like-at-least-six-months-too-a-year-or-even-less-soo-this-means-that-i-am-slowly-dying-i-am- thankful-that-i-am-still-here-and-breathinf-i-give-the–(Most-High-)-all-praises-too-his-holy-name-if-they-could-please-help-me-sell-some-stamps-and-books-and-coins-and-even-help-with-the-sale-of-my-avon-business-thanks-ms.winsome-here-is-my-c
I suggest you advertise these items in the usual way either online or in local press etc.