Just A Bowl Of Fruit

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Just A Bowl Of Fruit ~ Or is it?
You see, to me when I look at this bowl it represents abundance.
I wake in the morning and I am snug and warm in bed in a
comfortable home and it represents abundance.
And I am grateful!
So often we focus on what we do not have, and we spend our lives wishing for things when in reality we are surrounded by gifts and blessings.
When I walk with my dog in the morning and watch the warm glow of dawn and hear the chorus from the birds; I think about how blessed I am to be able to appreciate all I have.
I look back at my life and it is with gratitude that I remember my
youth, my parents and my memories. I remember words spoken by my mother and father and I am grateful how they impacted my life.
I was born into a world without TV or computers, a world where few had a car and even fewer had telephones – and I am grateful!
We had public libraries that we used weekly to get more books to read and they fuelled our imagination.
We listened to dramas on the radio and used our imagination to see the scenes and visualize the action.
I remember seeing a banana and a pineapple for the first time because we were in a post WWII economy where imports were just starting after a time of austerity; and I am grateful for the memories.
I have no regrets about being born into a world where I did not know fitted carpets, central heating, supermarkets, refrigerators or washing machines. I am happy to have played in the fields, climbed trees and collected frogspawn from local ponds.
My only regrets are for the current generation who are missing so much of the world that I have always enjoyed and will continue to enjoy and for which I will always be grateful.
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