Making Money Online ~ The Basics

Business Assets
No matter what you are doing online in business there are 2 assets you must build if you want to be successful…
A list of potential clients
A website/blog
Be proud of becoming an online entrepreneur. Do not hide behind a website and a nom de plume, build a genuine online presence and reputation – let people get in touch with you and be ready to answer their questions.
Create Value, Not Just Sales Pitches
Here’s a secret which everyone knows, but no one shares: people hate being sold things but are happy to buy what they want. Due to the proliferation of junk being peddled online most people now approach every new website, blog and video with caution because they expect a sales pitch at the end of it. So don’t ram a sales pitch down their throat; instead, find out what their problems are and offer solutions.
Be interesting and witty, helpful and knowledgeable, and build trust in your relationships. To give before you get is the key to successful relationships both in your personal life and in the business world. Always strive to provide true value and you will find that people will buy happily from you.
Reach Out and Connect
When starting a business, you need all the help and advice you can get. Seek others in your niche and learn from them and what they do. Understand that there are people like you getting started and you can share tips as you begin to learn things. No-one is good at everything so concentrate on your strengths and seek beneficial relationships with those who have skills that you don’t have but can use the skills you do have.
No Magic Bullets
Overnight riches without effort do not exist. Don’t believe any “guru” or program that promises easy money without any effort and little expense. It is possible to find done for you systems but they will not come cheap as you will be hiring people to do things for you. Also understand that these systems may be a way for you to get started but to make the big money that is available you will need to be proactive and not rely on others.
Online marketing is simple but not easy, especially in the beginning when you have the whole system to set up from scratch. A million dollar tip is to “look for hungry buyers rather than using a shotgun approach and trying to sell to everyone”.
Honesty Is the Golden Rule
Treat people how you would want to be treated. Don’t make false claims. Only sell what you would buy and preferably have bought and used so that you can provide honest opinions and advice.
Keep these principles in mind, and be prepared for the challenges that will present themselves. Nothing great was ever achieved easily!
“I am grateful for all of my problems. After each one was overcome, I became stronger and more able to meet those that were still to come. I grew in all my difficulties.” ~ James Cash Penney 1875-1971 – Founder of J.C. Penney Stores
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