Best Investments For 2017

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Investments The Problems And Solutions
Investing is usually for the very rich as you need pots of cash to start with to make any money.
A look at the “best” bank investments below shows that you will be hard pressed just to keep up with inflation….
Mutual Funds are not much better…..
And you need to be investing for 5 years to even get these rates.
Real Estate is commonly considered the best option but you need a large sum to get started and the chart below highlights the dilemma….

There are online High Yield Investment Plans (HYIP) that promise large returns but these tend to be illegal Ponzis that are soon shut down; and quite rightly as the majority of investors lose their money!
So what is the best solution?
Read on now and you will see what is now available and capable of creating massive returns and is literally…..
Much better than cash in the bank!
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Look: its $97! If you only made $5 in a year its better than having your money in the bank!
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Not sure about timing, but it says Holiday Promotion ends soon, and when it’s over, the price will go up to a one time $197 and then a $49.95 monthly fee; and it will still be a steal!
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More Information
Click For Post 1 – The massive potential
Click For Post 2 – Money from thin air
Click For Post 3 – How and why I got involved
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