You’ve Been Lied To….

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I think most of the time its unintentional simply because people don’t know any better, but sometimes it’s simply a straight out lie to keep you spending money and spinning your wheels.
The BIG LIE is all about traffic!
I just got an email from someone I respect as a good marketer and coach and frankly its all bull crap….
Let me show the email below. I’m gonna remove names and programs etc. because I’m not here to knock people or programs – I just want to set the record straight so you know the truth!
I just got asked this question from a member and thought you may find my reply helpful.
Here’s the question:
“700 leads are advertised at XXXX for $300.00. Is that a good deal for my website, for XXXX or for my referral sites?”
Here’s my response:
“It could be a good deal, but from what I understand the way these leads work is that they
will be added to your XXXX autoresponder. It will be up to you to follow up regularly with these people to work on converting them into signups into your team and customers for the products you promote.
My favorite form of paid advertising is solo ads using services like Udimi. I think if you invest $300 in solo ads from reputable Udimi vendors as discussed in Day 5 and Day 6 of the XXXX training, you will get more actual signups in your XXXX business for less effort. You will get less actual leads this way, but the form of advertising you are doing will result in a better and easier signup ratio to actual members in your team.
It’s really quite simple. You just login to your Udimi account and do a little research on quality click sellers and then provide the pre-written ad copy with a link directly to your opt in page or XXXX affiliate link. The sellers will deliver the visitors and you should get some signups from this in your team if you pick a few different sellers with good ratings. I hope this helps. I look forward to seeing your growth. :)”
I know some of our members contemplate which is the best way to advertise and grow their business. There really is no best way as there are many effective ways to advertise and make sales. Solo ads just happen to be an easy and direct way to start making sales and building your list quickly if you have an advertising budget that you can use to get started.
By the way, if you haven’t heard, the XXXX system is now fully updated and using Aweber as the primary autoresponder service for new members.
Email deliverability is up and so or sales. If you want to get your site and account updated, just submit a ticket to our help desk and we’ll get you on your way. Of course, the update is no charge!
If you have any questions or need some help, just let us know. XXXX and I are working hard and ready to help you make 2017 your best year ever!
So you ask whats the big lie?
Well lets look at a few things…
1. 700 leads are advertised at XXXX for $300.00. That’s 43 cents a lead which is not bad but the truth is given in the answer….
“It will be up to you to follow up regularly with these people to work on converting them into signups into your team and customers for the products you promote.”
But not only that the quality of leads generated is usually really poor and most of the people will never even open your emails and so building a relationship with them is not just difficult but highly improbable!
Buy some and see, I doubt you will get better than a 2% open rate even on your first email which should normally be in the 80-95% area.
2. “My favorite form of paid advertising is solo ads.” No top marketers today are concentrating on Solo Ads, they are mailing their lists but not buying Solo Ads because frankly over the past 5 years the quality has gone down and the prices have increased.
People teaching this are teaching what worked 5 years ago and not what is working today. They are living in the past and that is a formula for failure. They may not realize it as they are no longer doing it, they know it’s how they got their success 5 to 10 years ago and so assume that it will work as well now.
Having said that, Solo Ads are still useful and simple to use and Udimi is probably as good a place as any to buy them, but don’t expect great results!
5 years ago a Solo for 25 to 35 Cents a click would get you 35 to 65% optins and 2 to 3% front end sales.
Today the same solo will cost you 50 Cents – $1.35 a click and probably result in 25% optins and 0.5% sales. I know you can get 60% Guaranteed optins from some sellers but I have tried then and from 600 optins I got 7 emails opened. Enough said!
3. “There really is no best way as there are many effective ways to advertise and make sales.”
Largely true but some ways are better than others and most “Gurus” are not telling you which they are and what they are using! But if you find something that’s working for you stick with it always remembering that no matter what method you choose you will get better at it with practice.
Pick your method and become an expert at using it before trying something else!
4. Talking about Solo Ads he said, “You will get less actual leads this way, but the form of advertising you are doing will result in a better and easier signup ratio to actual members in your team.”
This leads you to believe that this in point 1. does not apply…
“It will be up to you to follow up regularly with these people to work on converting them into signups into your team and customers for the products you promote.”
It is required with ALL forms of marketing and the ONLY way to succeed! Some of this can be done with automated emails but the best and most successful marketers are writing special non-automated messages to their subscribers and building trust.
O.K! My rant is over but look at what top marketers are doing today (PPC on Facebook) and compare the value…
Solo Ad or Media Buy cost for 1,000 clicks about $500 to $1,000
300 optins and maybe 6 sales.
Targeted Facebook Ads cost for 1,000 clicks $20 to $200
400 to 500 optins and maybe as many as 12 sales.
The reason perhaps that “Gurus” don’t tell you this is that running a successful Facebook campaign WAS not easy, while setting up a solo ad is really simple!
Notice I said WAS not easy ~ and click here to check this out
ONLY IF you are REALLY serious about making money online and understand that it takes financial investment then click here to join our Facebook Group
I have a program that will never cost you more than $7 a month out of your pocket and will auto promote any business you choose whilst making you a large income.
Just 3 x $7 a month sales can make you over $30,000 a Month!
Sound impossible?
IT’S NOT! >>>Check it out by clicking here
In our successful team, working with our community of people and being surrounded by people who are excited to see YOU succeed, ANYONE, who decides to make it happen, can succeed with us. Just follow these simple 3 steps:
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