You could win at least $100 every day until 1st September FREE!
You couldwin at least $500 on 1st Augustand at least $1,000 on 1st September ALL FREE!
WE STARTED 5th July….
Drawing every day a random member of We Share Abundance to receive $100 in WESAbundance Tokens paid directly into the winning member’s Waves Account; that’s INSTANT CASH!.
The only qualification needed to receive these FREE WESAbundance Tokens is to be a member of We Share Abundance and a qualified referral for the AVAZOO AMBASSADOR PROGRAM. BOTH FREE!
Once both the above steps are completed you must notify us by completing and submitting the simple form here
Make sure you complete all the steps and send the form as we have 3,956 people who started registration; 1148 who completed registrations but only 259 forms submitted and so only 259 will be in the free daily raffle as it stands at the time of updating this post!
Every qualified member is entered in the draw whether they joined We Share Abundance 2 minutes ago or 2 years ago, so….
This offer will run as long as entry to the Avazoo Ambassador program is available which is ending 31st August 2021.
On August 1st we will draw, from ONLY Qualified Avazoo Referrals, 3 winners who will get at least $500 each.
NOTE: If you have already registered as an Avazoo Ambassador please use this link to check that your registration is complete.
This is how a completed registration should look
This is an exapmple of an incomplete registration.
To mark the end of registration for the Avazoo Ambassador opportunity we will draw 4 prizes with the values shown below.
$1,000 first prize
$500 second prize
$300 third prize and
$200 fourth prize
This is in addition to the one of over 16,000,000 CASH prizes you could win in the AVAZOO Raffle with a top prize of $1,000,000,000!
BECOME A QUALIFIED AVAZOO AMBASSADOR REFERRAL WITH A CHANCE OF WINNING $100 every day and $500 on August 1st.- DO IT NOW! It only takes a few minutes and has many benefits; in addition to our little daily raffle. You could find yourself to be a BILLIONAIRE before the end of this year!
Someone must win – WHY NOT YOU?
So PLEASE do the following once you are a We Share Abundance Member….
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