New Passive Income Plan Launch – Friday November 16th 2018

Passive Income Makes Dreams REAL!
You can be 100% passive and it claims you will
turn $97 into a minimum of $1,000 in 60 days…
Will it work?
Income is currently (Nov 26th) coming in in small amounts….
There could be many reasons for this especially with the current Bear Markets situation, this should start to improve now that the market has settled somewhat!
Register FREE here…
Then see the FAQ’s in the members area
I bought the PLUS package for $197 because this has the best Guaranteed ROI and since launch (in just 4 days) I have received well over half that investment back in purely passive income!
20th November, 2018 is when things took off and I received a passive $99.18 in BTC in just 1 day, even with BTC at the current low price of around $4,200 each!
In addition I chose to let others know about this plan here and I have received $522 in referral commissions. This is NOT required to make passive income but can be very lucrative!
My wife took out the “x10 Go” plan for $97 and in just 4 days has almost all her investment back in purely 100% passive income!
You can even use a debit or credit card to get started making this amazing passive income, so….
Register FREE here and cash in on this BONANZA…
God bless,
p.s. “Who questions much, shall learn much, and retain much.” ~ Francis Bacon – 1561-1626 – Philosopher – Scientist – Author
UPDATE from Liam:
This launch update will cover multiple topics, with some important updates regarding the X10 Launch, product and affiliate program. First and Foremost LAUNCH DATE CHANGED TO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16th – Over the past 24 hours the member base of X10 has doubled in size and is growing at a very fast pace, with thousands of X10 Prelaunch members coming in from all over the world! The most important focus of our team is to make sure, that on launch day, that ALL Systems are working correctly, that the affiliate tracking system is rock-solid, and that the X10 Network is prepared for the massive and accelerated growth that we are experiencing. We also want to make sure that ALL Affiliates have ample time to build their downline and team so that each and every affiliate has the opportunity for a successful launch! That is why the X10 Platform Launch date has been changed to this coming Friday, November 16th at 9am Pacific | 12pm Eastern US Time. Affiliate Commission Payout Update Affiliate marketing is exciting and lucrative. Building a team and downline takes hard work, dedication and effort. We want to make sure that ALL of our X10 Affiliates are confident and excited about the launch of X10… That is why, starting on launch day, Affiliate Commissions will be paid out automatically through our system within 24 hours of your affiliate referral sale being generated! Our Affiliate Commission payout system is automated. No more waiting for commissions. Compensation plan details will be updated to reflect this. You work hard to earn your commissions, you deserve to be paid out quickly for your efforts! Next up – This is super important This was stated in a previous email sent the other day, but I’ll reiterate it again… X10 Platform has absolutely NO connection whatsoever to an online scam called Bitsystems. There are a few people on Facebook that have been posting false information that X10 Platform is somehow connected to another program called Bitsystems that turned out to be a scam. These individuals claim that X10 Platform utilizes the same hosting server: FALSE These individuals claim that our platform looks similar: FALSE X10 has been in development for over a year, with a dedicated team of 12 and thousands of hours of programming. We have absolutely ZERO connection, affiliation or relationship to the online Bitsystems program. X10 IS TRUSTED, SECURE AND AUDITED Our platform is highly secure, encrypted and validated by McAfee – The Gold Standard for platform security and trust. We’re so glad to have you as part of the X10 Launch family and we can’t wait for you to experience the X10 Product, launching on Friday November 16th! Your Early-Access Invitation Link is: Then share YOUR LINK with your team, downline and start building your system now on Five Levels before we launch this coming Friday, November 16th! We’re super happy to have you onboard with the launch of X10! Regards, Liam Schärer |
Overall suggestion based on being an Independent ?computer Cconsultant for 30. Years:
Now that people are being encouraged to use all devices, please make sure that the backend sites scale appropriately for the device being used.
My laptop is currently being repaired and I am forced to use my tablet in the meantime. It’s interesting that more users haven’t commented on
This, or, maybe they have and you’ve already taken care of this, I hope.
Jesus Christ does not want his people to be not poor both in spiritually and in Physically but to rich both in Spirit and in Physically.
God’s abundance is available to all who claim it!