Making Money Online – The Fall And Rise Of An Internet Marketer

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The journey of success is never smooth; and IT IS a journey not a destination!
All marketers have their ups and downs, well known names such as Russel Brunson, Mike Dillard, Dean Holland and many more have found success only to have it snatched from their grasp.
The great thing is that they overcame the fall and got up stronger.
This is also true for me and so here is my story….
In 2007 I had a very strong business, fully paid homes and cash in the bank. It was not overnight success and along the way I’d had many businesses, made lots of cash and also been bankrupt, but much of that had been with offline businesses of the traditional brick and mortar nature.
In 2007 the world was my oyster because I had an online business that was growing fast and allowed me to work from anywhere in the world. Cash was flowing in, commissions were going out to my affiliates and times were good!
My wife and I decided to move from the USA and planned to settle in Ireland and so we packed our belongings in a 40′ container and took a plane along with our 3 dogs and a pet duck.
To cut a long story short things did not work out in Ireland and so we put the 40′ container in storage and loaded a van with our menagerie and set off for Italy, where we bought a home in Abruzzo for remodeling.
It took up most of our cash and we used much of what was left to send for our container. We thought ‘no problem’ as the business was making a healthy profit.
However, the money processor we were using not only ran off with the cash he collected but he also drained the balance of our bank account leaving us with no cash to even put fuel in the van or to pay our utility bills.
We just managed to scrape money together by selling off some things to put food on the table but our electric was cut off and we were back in the stone age, in a foreign country, with no friends and only a smattering of the language!
The online business, needless to say, failed as we could not pay our expenses and commissions etc. and we were flat broke!
I found work looking after ex-pat homes, cutting grass etc. and eventually managed to gather enough to pay our bills and move back into the 21st century with comforts such as running water and electricity.
This allowed me to get back online and I started marketing affiliate products using Google which restored our income and mobility. But by 2009 and after being on the fringe of an earthquake we decided to pack up and move to the UK.
In the UK I did some offline business consultancy and started thinking again about expanding online but Google Panda and Penguin updates managed to destroy the business I had.
However, I had experience in MLM and had always had the ambition to create an MLM that would drastically improve the success/failure ratio and so help more people succeed; and by doing this I also wanted to raise cash for charity. This is still my overriding goal!
By 2011 I had again built a thriving business but it still suffered from the same failure rates for the members and no matter what I did and what tweaks I made more people failed to make money than actually made money.
In retrospect I guess I have always wanted success for others far more than they actually want it for themselves!
Then around 2014 I found someone who was absolutely brilliant at research and online advertising, a self made man who had backed himself despite not speaking English, having no formal education, no money and no knowledge of the Internet. He scraped together the fare from his native Africa to the USA and eventually became a top marketing expert (But that’s a story for another day)
This man Tich and his business partner Gloria set out to do what I had always tried to do and failed. To help 100% of people make money! Tich did the marketing and Gloria did the admin and people pooled their cash with Tich and he made everyone a profit every month.
I used his plan as the engine of what I believe was an improved plan that multiplied the incomes of all involved and things looked great!
Then came the crash!
The merchant accounts got the jitters because they had never seen growth like was happening and they froze the accounts. Businesses can not operate without cash flow and to this day some 3 years later there are still amounts not yet released!
To the credit of Tich and Gloria they lost everything in trying to make good their members investments, and I too took a hit as I had guaranteed some minimum income; but the sad thing was that a great plan that was working so well for everyone collapsed due to financial institutions inability to adapt!
I then came across a “Done For You Binary Trading Organisation” that was highly recommended to me and was publishing great results. I checked them out and even spoke to the CEO who answered all my questions and concerns and I believed we had something wonderful to help people.
Unfortunately it turned out to be a massive, well executed, scam involving millions of dollars and I not only lost a personal fortune but I had also (maybe foolishly) guaranteed results to people I introduced and that left me deep in debt that I am still to pay off!
In the 2 years since then I have been doing what I have never done before and I teach others not to do and that is I have been chasing money! Not for myself but in an attempt to make good on the obligations I have to others.
It has taken me some time to understand where I am going wrong and this was brought home to me recently in a meeting with Dave Sharpe (yet another marketer who has had to fall to rise again).
In 2 years I have racked up massive debts and had to sell my homes but now I feel I am in a position of strength and I see things turning in my favor.
Things that will allow me to generate the income to…
Pay of the Guarantees I made
Pay of the debts I have incurred on top of the guarantees
Provide my wife with the security she deserves
Follow my mission to help 5,000,000 people change their lives for the better and
Raise $2,000,000 a month for charity