Make Money Online ~ An important lesson from a plant

If you plant the seed of a Chinese bamboo tree it takes 5 years to even emerge from the ground, 5 whole years…[svpVideo v=1]
But from the day the farmer plants his crop he needs to nurture his plant, he needs to feed the soil and give the nutrients…
He needs to do this every day otherwise the plant will never sprout…
So the farmer every day for five years has to apply patience, persistence and belief everyday..
He has to create the right foundation for his Bamboo tree grow…
Of course he has days where he questions if the process has been a waste of time, he wonders is this going to work…
But he carries on regardless…
In the final part of the last 5 years the Chinese bamboo tree sprouts and it miraculously grows 80 feet tall in just 6 weeks..
It grows 80 feet tall in just 6 weeks…
Now the question is, did the Plant grow in just 6 weeks, or did it grow in 5 years…
Think about it…