Do you feel like you are taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back?

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It is easy to get discouraged in business and especially online where people will tell you anything just to get their hands in your wallet!
Business online or offline is not an easy route to wealth!
It is probably the best way for most people and an online business has distinct advantages over an offline business but both need a plan.
You need to know exactly where you are now and where you want to get to.
You need to know what you want and what you are prepared to give to get it.
It will, in almost all cases, require some sacrifice(s) to be made.
These are questions I ask all prospective students and about 9 out of 10 can not or will not answer them…
How much do you want to make in your first 90 days?
How much do you want to make in residual income after 90 days?
How much time will you commit to your business?
How much money do you have to get started?
How much a month do you have to put into your business?
The answers I get are often focused on what people don’t have rather than what they do have!
Answers such as, “I’m not sure” or “I don’t have…..”
If you don’t know EXACTLY where you are and EXACTLY where you want to go how can anyone give you directions?
If you can’t answer these questions for yourself then you are simply not ready to even try and start a business!
And your mindset should NOT be one of, “How little can I get away with investing?” It should be, “How can I get all I need to give myself the best chance of success?”.
This difference in attitude is the difference between success and failure!
Many times, rather than answering the questions, the prospective student will ask me a question such as, “How much do I need to get started?”
To get started in what? To do what?
Its like asking what is the bus fare? Until I know where you are travelling from and where you are going its impossible to answer!
I could give a ready made one size fits all solution just to make a commission….
But that is not going to help most people!
If you are looking for easy money it does not exist unless you are prepared to pay someone else to do the work.
There are no push button systems or secret codes that will flood your bank account with cash so if that’s what you seek you will never find it!
If you are serious about learning how to make money online then you must be prepared to invest time, effort and capital to be successful.
If that’s not what you want to hear I am sorry but its the truth.
There are 3 pillars for success…
1. Knowledge
2. Action
3. Belief and….
without all 3 in place you WILL FAIL!
There will be times you feel like you are going backwards. That’s normal, just no-one tells you that!
There will be times when it seems you are pushing a heavy boulder up a steep hill.
And these times will keep happening! They don’t disappear once you have found that “magical formula for success”; they are a constant in ALL businesses!
That should not stop you from starting and taking a first step forward. The first step is often very hard but to take another after being pushed back is even harder; so be prepared!
Its not about a smooth steady progress. Its about a lifelong learning process that in time you understand is making you stronger.
So much so that in time you actively seek the challenges and obstacles, and welcome them, because you know that they are the
only way you can grow.
And, only by growing can you achieve everything you dream of having.
Everything you now possess lies within your comfort zone.
Everything you don’t have but desire is outside that comfort zone and the only way you can get it is by personal growth!
So, welcome and embrace the times you are pushed back because they are there to help you move forward.
I am also here to help you move forward but ONLY when you can answer the questions…
How much do you want to make in your first 90 days?
How much do you want to make in residual income after 90 days?
How much time will you commit to your business?
How much money do you have to get started?
How much a month do you have to put into your business?
Once you have the answers clearly in your mind come to me and I will be in a position to help and guide you to the destination of your choice.
It won’t be an easy ride, but I promise it will be worth it!
ONLY IF you are REALLY serious about making money online and understand that it takes financial investment then click here to join our Facebook Group
I have a program that will never cost you more than $7 a month out of your pocket and will auto promote any business you choose whilst making you a large income.
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In our successful team, working with our community of people and being surrounded by people who are excited to see YOU succeed, ANYONE, who decides to make it happen, can succeed with us. Just follow these simple 3 steps:
- Get on YOUR Fast Track to success by registering for our free training by clicking here. The training is Free – so no need to ever pay anything!
- Watch the first video here and then add me as a friend on Facebook
- Message me on Facebook and get your questions answered and I will help you get in profit FAST!
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