Getting Things Right….

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One of the main reasons that people fail with their online business is that they do not understand what being an entrepreneur really means!
Business online or offline is a continual evolution and very seldon does anyone get it right first time. Especially where a new concept is being used.
A classic example is GetPaidSocial which originally launched about 15 months ago and had phenomenal success and growth.
However, as with almost all start ups things did not go smoothly; merchant accounts held back cash, commissions were delayed and systems were not perfected.
Most businesses would fold met with such obstacles but the strong survive and GPS (as its affectionately known) is a survivor and is relaunching stronger than ever.
It is a concept that has been recognized as a winner for everyone and so has attracted a massive investment from and is set to experience a massive wave of growth in the next 3 to 6 months.
Will you ignore it, watch it or ride it?
Me? I’m gonna have fun surfing the wave….
You can join me here – its free but recommended that you try paid membership at no cost for 30 days!
This is a copy of n email I just received (2016.12.07.07:00BST)……
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Webinar Replay, Withdraw Requests, A New Addition to The Corporate Team & MASSIVE EXCITEMENT!(To earn your $.10 for reading this email, please read the entire thing and take the required action) Hi Graham! Before I get to anything else in this email I want to let you know that FINALLY, after many months of overcoming obstacle after obstacle…we have been able to unlock the withdraw earnings button in your GPS back office and have begun making payouts once again! WOO HOO! How awesome is that?! Just login to your back office, click on your e-wallet and follow the instructions given. If you’ve had a pending payout request for quite sometime now, you’ll need to confirm your request which will move your request to the TOP of the list and you will receive your requested payout amount within 2 weeks from the date you confirm the request. All of the instructions are there in your back office. If you missed the webinar last night here is the replay link to check it out: Just a warning that it ended up being about 2 1/2 hours long but just to summarize what was covered and to help save you some time…here ya go:
Check Out The M.O.M.A. System & Collect Your $.10 Reward For Reading This Email!
We will be holding ANOTHER webinar on December 15th @ 9 PM (Eastern) which will be 100% focussed on helping you grow your GPS team as we will be going into detail about the GPS system, M.O.M.A. and teaching you and others how to truly leverage the extreme POWER of this community and the M.O.M.A. system to create life changing income for you and your team. You will also have an opportunity to promote that webinar so stay tuned for more details! As you can clearly see…WE ARE BACK IN BUSINESS and READY TO CHANGE LIVES ONCE AGAIN! Will yours be one of them? All of that depends on YOU! You can count on us doing exactly what we say we will do and supporting you every step of the way…the rest is all up to you! Do the tasks. Super simple my friend! Stay tuned for more exciting updates…we are ACTIVELY working to continue making GPS the most positive, powerful & lucrative venture you’ve ever been a part of! To YOUR Incredible Success, Joy & Freedom, Jeff Long |
ONLY IF you are REALLY serious about making money online and understand that it takes financial investment then click here to join our Facebook Group
I have a program that will never cost you more than $7 a month out of your pocket and will auto promote any business you choose whilst making you a large income.
Just 3 x $7 a month sales can make you over $30,000 a Month!
Sound impossible?
IT’S NOT! >>>Check it out by clicking here
In our successful team, working with our community of people and being surrounded by people who are excited to see YOU succeed, ANYONE, who decides to make it happen, can succeed with us. Just follow these simple 3 steps:
- Get on YOUR Fast Track to success by registering for our free training by clicking here. The training is Free – so no need to ever pay anything!
- Watch the first video here and then add me as a friend on Facebook
- Message me on Facebook and get your questions answered and I will help you get in profit FAST!
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