To Make Money Online The First Thing To Do Is….
STOP SELLING[svpVideo v=1]
Learn to live in service to others and money will flow to you in ever increasing streams….
WeShareAbundance is all about service to others…
You register and this serves the mission and your fellow members.>
You Log in each day and this generates cash for charity
You read a few messages with love and this is a service to the sender and creates more cash for charity
You join in our Pools and this is a service to fellow Pool members and charity
You share our mission with others and you are being of service to them and our mission.
It you concentrate on serving in the above 5 ways rewards will automatically flow to you not just in cash but also mentally in knowing that you are serving some greater purpose.
And YOUR rewards can be very significant, the more you serve and the more love you put into serving the more you will personally benefit. Its a natural law that we use and have programmed into our mission…..
The successful BETA launch of took place1st March 2020 and, although some bugs are being discovered, members are already making the easiest money of their lives…..
Now you AND everyone you know or meet can make money every day in under 5 minutes a day. WOW!
All you do is log in daily and you make money; best of all, ITS FREE and takes less than 5 minutes a day!
We are in BETA and there are a few things we are working on before adding even more benefits (See post in our Facebook Group) IS A MISSION – its not a platform, ad site, messaging system or a biz opp – its all of these but more importantly a mission to share abundance worldwide.
Our mission is to fight poverty, promote love, aid personal growth, improve the planet, and as a by-product make our members rich; YOU INCLUDED!
The SAWWP Token WILL become a valuable asset and top Crypto Currency as a weapon to fight poverty.
Be PROUD to be a part of this mission!
At WeShareAbundance we don’t chase money; it flows to us naturally and abundantly through simple acts love and service.
Log in or join us TODAY by clicking here….
Thought For The Day- Focus ; Conscious or unconscious it is the path to your destination!
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