
I am proud to share this excerpt from the SRF newsletter…..

Paramahansa Yogananda’s Vision for World Harmony
Welcome to the February 2020 edition of the Self-Realization Fellowship Newsletter. This month we share inspiring quotes of Paramahansa Yogananda that express his vision for world harmony, mutual understanding, and friendship.
Though we may seem divided by race, creed, color, class, and political prejudices, still, as children of the one God we are able in our souls to feel brotherhood and world unity….In our hearts we can all learn to be free from hate and selfishness. Let us pray for harmony among the nations, that they march hand in hand through the gate of a fair new civilization.
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“World fellowship” seems a very simple phrase, but in these two words is the panacea for all the individual, social, and political ills that are threatening the world’s material, mental, moral, and spiritual happiness….World fellowship alone can banish hatred and prevent wars. World fellowship alone can stabilize prosperity for all mankind. Therefore I say to you, bring that fellowship into your hearts by communing with God….As soon as you feel God in your heart, you will contribute to world civilization as no king or politician has ever done before.
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I believe a time will come when in greater understanding we shall have no boundaries anymore. We shall call the earth our country; and we shall, by a process of justice and international assembly, distribute unselfishly the goods of the world according to the needs of the people. But equality cannot be established by force; it must come from the heart. The greatest blessing would be to develop international understanding by which we may realize this truth.
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I believe that if every citizen in the world is taught to commune with God (not merely to know Him intellectually), then peace can reign; not before. When by persistence in meditation you realize God through communion with Him, your heart is prepared to embrace all humanity.
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Therefore, my friends, resolve that you will love the world as your own nation, and that you will love your nation as you love your family. Through this understanding you will help to establish a world family on the indestructible foundation of wisdom.
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Watch the video “A Promising Vision for the Future: Yogananda’s ‛Aims and Ideals’” — in which Brother Chidananda talks about what we can do to help bring about a harmonious world civilization by helping to bring into manifestation the vision Paramahansaji sets out in the “Aims and Ideals of SRF.” This video is an excerpt from his full talk at the SRF Centennial Inauguration on January 5, 2020.

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SRF Centennial
Celebrating 100 Years of
Self-Realization Fellowship
In the Spirit of Pilgrimage:
A Centennial Celebratory Procession
An Indian-style devotional procession of SRF monastics, led by SRF President Brother Chidananda on January 5, 2020, inaugurated the Centennial of Paramahansa Yogananda’s coming to America and founding Self-Realization Fellowship to disseminate the teachings of Kriya Yoga worldwide.

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SRF’s Centennial in the News
As 2020 gets underway, news of the Centennial of Self-Realization Fellowship is making its way into major media outlets throughout the world. We share with you some of the coverage here.

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“A Joy That Increases With the Years”
Give Me Thy Heart: The Life of SRF Nuns
A video about the life of the SRF nuns, who follow in Paramahansaji’s footsteps — serving the worldwide spiritual and humanitarian work he founded and living a life of balanced and joyful renunciation.

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