Making Money Online By Knowing Your Value

Making Money Online By Knowing Your Value

Making Money Online is not easy; but that does not mean that you or anyone else can not be successful!

It simply means that you must be realistic and treat it as a business and not a hobby or a lottery!

If it was easy then everyone would be rich and making money in their sleep within days of starting as so many people promise you.

You can build a business that operates on autopilot and makes you money through a system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week but you have to put in the effort initially.

climb to viewIt stands to reason that if you want to see the view from the roof you must first climb the ladder!

And the first rung of the ladder is in knowing your worth.


Because  you must be able to offer value to your customers and that starts with you!

Lets look at how much you want to make and how that reflects a value.

Suppose you are initially wanting to make $5,000 a month and are prepared to work 15 hours a week. That’s around $77 an hour and so you must value your time at that level!

Stop wasting time on Facebook, checking emails and playing silly games on your phone. Remember you are worth $77 an hour and if you are wasting time then that is what it is costing you!

You may think that you do not have that value to offer others, but if you can show them even the slightest thing that helps them on the path to success then of course you have that value.

What would it be worth to you if someone showed you how to make just $100 a month? That’s $1,200 a year for life and I am sure that’s worth at least $500 even if it only took 1 minute!

Also remember that they do not know what you don’t know and you can always find the answers.

You MUST value yourself and your time highly or you will never make the money you deserve. Always think of your value when taking any action and if you can employ someone for less than your worth to complete a task then do so.

I have seen so often seen self employed people, both online and offline, doing menial tasks when they should be using their time more effectively.

So start now by being aware of your worth and understand that an hour watching a soap opera or playing a video game  costs you $77 or more.

4 thoughts on “Making Money Online By Knowing Your Value”

  • Thank you very much Graham for the powerfull and motivational message.
    It helps me lo look at things with a different aproach.Thanks.

  • Graham,

    Thank you for that as in this day and age we all need to hear this daily from you and from ourselves. If we are offering your programs to others then we are Offering them great blessings; therefore we are worth a lot as your programs and systems are worth more than we can put a price upon. Thank you for your blessings upon all of us.

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